Monday, May 29, 2006

Renewing my blog

Ok so I last posted in march 2005 . Since then much water has flown under the bridge. I have grown older (though wiser or not is a debatable topic) , finished my Masters thesis, finally made the transition from a student to a working professional which in turn meant I had to leave the campus life I had got so used to for 6 years. While it sometimes seemed to me that I was wasting precious years of my life amidst journals and books while the whole world was basking in more interesting pursuits, I actually loved the quiet peaceful campus life. More about it later when I feel more nostalgic than what I am feeling now.
So I am in bangalore and after 5 months I have made some good new friends, met some old ones and maintained touch with my current circle. I guess thats a good thing keeping in mind my social misfit quotient.
Working has been a different and new experience since I have been bereft of any afternoon naps and the concept of free food and snacks is yet to sink in though I have really got bored of it all. Got a brand new tennis racquet and a guitar. As they say aim for the stars and you will atleast reach the moon which in retrospect seems to be a higly pessimistic saying veiled in a wrapper of optimism.
But what would be the single most remarkable thing is that I am working on something which was the basis of my thesis (though not the exact topic) and hopefully it will keep me interested for sometime.

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